Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hip-hop Matters 5-4-3-2-1 9Pages 1-25)


  1. The way the aurthor describes the uprising of hip-hop as a emerging from underground where it was nourished and sparked creative fire really painted a picture of how hip-hop came about.

  2. It is allot more unlikely to hear 43 year old women listening to rap nowadays.

  3. How can somthing be "too black", Crocker nust have had some other reasons for not wanting to play Rappers delight for him to say something like that.

  4. I feel like hip-hop has lost some of it's connection to its culture roots today more 5than before.

  5. Even when hip-hop first came out there seem to have been conflicts between rappers.

4 questionhaving

  1. Why is sugar hill a fammed harlem neighborhood?

  2. When did rap become it's own genre of music?

  3. How could the Furious Five feel the way they did about there music? Why wouldn't they want to be a little more poetic?

  4. Why do we coninue to make the music we are making knowing what Bambaataa though?

3 words i don't know




2 literary terms



4 questions

3 words i dont know

2 literary terms



4 questions

3 words i dont know

2 literary terms



4 questions

3 words i dont known

2 literary terms


Friday, November 7, 2008

  • "He took my mother's elbow and led her across the park towards the house"- This situations seems kind of awkward because normally when you bring someone to your house you don't grab them by the elbow.
  • When Jake and Judd went into the kitchen Judd was suppose to give jack a hamburger but instead he give he bread and baloney, which makes me think that the two men are dangerous and they were just trying to lour jack and his mom into there house.
  • I feel like Rosemary is the kind of person WHO doesn't always think things all the way through and is easily manipulated because the salesman was able to convince her to buy a old hovel of a house way to easy.
  • i think Jack tries to get into trouble because he wants attention and becuase it is the only other way to feel like he is a man.
  • how is it that his mother can not tell that he is lieing to her, it is very obviouse.
4 question I have
  • Why is the other man there with them, are they going to try and rob Rosemary, or kidnap jack.
  • Why is this man, that barley knows jack and Rosemary, offering to buy jack a new bike?
  • What happened to Rosemary on her date with Gil for her to go home crying so badly?
  • - is rosemary the way she is now because of the abuse she recived from her father as a child?
3 vocabulary words
  • sullen-showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve.
  • Perspicacity- the capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions
  • Cagey-
2 literary terms
  • The first paragraph is the author using setting to paint a picture in the reader head about what there surroundings look like, her it also gives you a sense of how broke they are and they type of living condition there are in.
1 summary
  • In this section of the book i think that Rosemary, Jakes mom, was abused by the man, Gil, who was before acting very nice towards her and trating her like she was a queen. After this the story goes on to Rosemary buying a house which is not in good conditions, and her living mates arn't to happy with the decision she had made. But they move in anyways, Later on in the section Jake Starts getting in to bad company and he dose some things he knowns he should not do.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

This boys Life 5-4-3-2-1 (pages 29-51)

  • Page 29- Roy is nowhere near ready to have a child, he doesn't even known how to take care of Toby.
  • Page 30- Because his mother is packing and moving around so strangely i know they are about to move again.
  • Page 32- I think that the rifle is like Jacks means of escape from the rest of the world.
  • Page 49- The man that is giving Toby the binoculars is only trying to get Toby to like him so Rosemary will like him.
  • Page 49- WHO is the other man with the guy who gave Toby the binoculars.

4 questions
  • As soon as roy starts to think about settling in Rosemary's decides it is time to bounce.
  • Page 30- Dose she really believe that he didn't go to archery?
  • Page 43- What dose he mean by "spit curls breaking over our foreheads"?
  • Page 49- who is the other man?
  1. Mickey- an alcoholic drink
  2. Sepulchral- hollow and deep
2 literary terms being used

  1. Page 37-38- The author is using setting to paint a picture in our minds

This section is mainly about jake settling in to the new surroundings and how he deals with it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

This boys Life 5-4-3-2-1

  • The continental divide is a boarder into America, meaning that he and his mother were recently in another country. Page 3
  • maybe the raveling of the boys name will be left for when he actually becomes a man.

questions I have
  • Why is it they do not mention he boys name in the story?
  • What happen to his father, his real father, was he a good man or did he hurt him and his mother?

words i do not known
  • Ecstasy- A state of emotion so intense that one is carried beyond rational thought and self control.
  • Acclamation-a loud shot or other demonstration of goodwill,welcome, or approval.
  • Grubstake-supply with found in return for a promised share of profits.2literary terms being used
literary terms
The boy has be moving around the country with his mother, so far he has learned how to shoot a rifle from his mothers controlling boyfriend and also he has gone through sort of a coming of age, when he got baptized.

    Wednesday, October 8, 2008

    about "this boys life"

    So far in "This boys Life" written by Tobias Wolff the boy has Learned to shoot, lied in church, almost hit a nun with an arrow, and has gone on the run with his mom from an abusive boyfriend! In this is all in the first 30 pages!