Thursday, October 16, 2008

This boys Life 5-4-3-2-1

  • The continental divide is a boarder into America, meaning that he and his mother were recently in another country. Page 3
  • maybe the raveling of the boys name will be left for when he actually becomes a man.

questions I have
  • Why is it they do not mention he boys name in the story?
  • What happen to his father, his real father, was he a good man or did he hurt him and his mother?

words i do not known
  • Ecstasy- A state of emotion so intense that one is carried beyond rational thought and self control.
  • Acclamation-a loud shot or other demonstration of goodwill,welcome, or approval.
  • Grubstake-supply with found in return for a promised share of profits.2literary terms being used
literary terms
The boy has be moving around the country with his mother, so far he has learned how to shoot a rifle from his mothers controlling boyfriend and also he has gone through sort of a coming of age, when he got baptized.

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