Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Black Like Me, by: John Howard Griffin
1st post
  • Before i even started to read the book I noticed that the entire book is like a dairy, it's written day by day.
  • the first thing your find out in the book is the setting, the author immediately tells you the date and year.
  • He does a good job at grabbing your attention, asking questions that seem impossible and absurd really makes you want to hear what is up with this man.

4 questions
  • is the way the book is written, meaning the style of the book, going to effect the way the book is read?
  • why haven't i read the charcters name yet?
  • Who is adelle. Jackson ?
  • Is he really goign to follow through with this?
3 words i don't know

2literary terms
  • One litterary term being used is setting, it is used at the beginning to tell the city or town he is in.

2nd post

  • When the black boy offers to take him to the movies personal I bet that griffin starts to realize that black people will work even harder to help each other out.
  • I can't believ that after all that had happened to him he stilled tried to belive that the man was being nice to him and tried to help him out.

4 question I have
  • I wonder if after this griffin try's to do something to help out the black community.
  • Why did he move from the bench if it wasn't off limits to black people.
  • ow is it that even with all the evidence that the FBI collecting the jury stilled found the white men innocent.
3 words I don't know
  • manuscripts
  • focusless

2 literary terms


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