Sunday, February 22, 2009

The martian chronicles

Page 109-126

  • Robots are going to end up doing to the humans what the humans did to the martians once they were all gone.
  • i think the mr. stendahl is going to kill all the scientist because he already seems kind of insane.
  • Mr.Garrett is smarter than pikes and stendahl thought. But i still don't think they are going to get caught.
  • Mr. Garrett is falling into there trap and he doesn't even known it.
  • I have a feeling that the second Garrett is also a robot.
4 question
  • Why did he have the ape kill Mr. Garrett?
  • what kind of name is pikes?
  • What are they up to, is he planning on takeing over mars or something?
  • Why is it that they basically made fun illegal?
3 words i don't know
  • centrifuge-an apparatus that rotates at high speed and by centrifugal force separates substances of different densities, as milk and cream.
  • anti septic-free of contamination or pollution.2 literary terms
  • ruminated-to meditate on; ponder.
2 literary terms
  • Personification- the wind was describe as the shape of a women
  • Foreshadowing- the author is constantly describeing the robots, meaning something big, like mabey the climax of the book, is going to happen with the robots.
It seems there are still martians, but bfore that was descoered Mr. stenahl went crazy and killed the people sent by the goverenment to destroy his home that he bulit.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The martian chronicles

page 73-90

  • people really are like that, when ever something isn't going there way or things get tough, or they have completely messed up there surroundings they try and take over someone else place instead of fixing there own.
  • He probably fainted because of the lack of air that there is.
  • I think that the rain is a sing that there will be plant life on mars, he just has to have some faith.
  • I think that Mr. driscoll is either crazy or sick because he keeps on fainting.
  • maybe its all in his head, like a allusion.

4 questions
  • How are plants going to be able to sprout on mars?
  • Who is it doing all this planting, i thought everyone was killed?
  • How many people have settled on mars so far?
  • How is it that the trees he planted could be so big after only one month?
3 words i don't know
  • Elixir-A substance or medicine believed to have the power to cure all ills.
  • Sherry-A fortified Spanish wine ranging from very dry to sweet and from amber to brown.

2 literary terms
  • Personification- The author talks to the fire as if it were a real person.
  • Simile- "Mars was a place as unpredictable as time" Its comparing the characteristics of mars to time using As.
The Martian Chronicles
page 91-108

  • theses people are really naive to think that he black people built a rocket in Africa.
  • I am assuming that Lucinda is black because he called her a darkie.
  • Belter better not stay just because Mr. Teece said he has to. If I were him I would have sucker punched him and ran.
  • Mr. teece must see belter is a child to belive that he would belive him when he said there were monsters on mars.
  • Mr. teece seems to be feeling kind of lonely, and it seems like everyone around him has had a change of hart about black people.
4 question
  • What years is this suppose to be in?
  • What are thicken eddies?
  • Where did his wife go to, is she going after Lucinda?
  • Are the white people going to trie to stop all the black people from going to mars or are they going to try and bribe them into staying?
3 words i don't known
  • turgidly-inflated, overblown, or pompous; bombastic
  • glint-gleaming brightness; luster.
  • sophisticates-To cause to become less natural, especially to make less naive and more worldly.
2 literary terms
  • Allusion- When the author is describing the flood he uses allusion to give the reader a good mental picture of what is happening.
  • simile- The author uses like to compare watermelons to tortoise cats.
By the end of the section all the blacks have moved to mars. Some white people were nice and let them go peacefully, but others like Mr. Teece tried to find reasons four why they had to stay. If any had owned him money he would tell them that they had to work it out and miss te rocket to mars. But his plan didn't work and he was left high and drie.
The Martian Chronicles

page 55-72


  • Spender is the one who is going to stay alive the longest because he is the only one thinking about the martians and what might have happened or what will happen, and he is the only one who seems to care about the planet and its history.
  • I think spender was either taken by the martians or he simply didn't want to be apart of what he knew was going to happen to the rest of the crew.
  • Spenders body was probably taken over by a martian or it took the form of him.
  • Spender seems to be really laid back about the hunters coming for him.
  • how could the caption be defeated by one man

4 questions

  • Are they going to find out that there were martians living on the earth?
  • I wonder if the poem that spender recited to the men is some kind of warning?
  • Are the Martians going to get spender?
  • What dose the martian want with people, why don't they like the humans?

3 words i don't know
  • mechanisms- A machine or mechanical appliance.
  • congressional- A formal assembly of representatives, as of various nations, to discuss problems.
  • leery- wary; suspicious

2 literary terms

  • situational irony- Spender is feeling sorry for the death of the martians, he says they must have been a peaceful race accepting what came to them. its ironic because what he says is not true, the martians did not accept what came to them. Every single human who landed on mars ended up dead.
  • Foreshadowing- During there party the the wind is heavy and the author describes it going around people, he describes it as if the wind is alive. Then the wind suddenly dies which is like a sing saying that something bad or frightful is going to happen.

In his section of the book, things start to looked bad for the fourth expedition, then things got real ugly. On of the crew members, spender, goes somewhat insane and he starts to kill the other members of the crew. He feels as if the planet is to good for humans to be on because all they will do is end up destroying it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Page 37-54

  • I Dont think that they are in another dimension i think that the martians have somehow been useing thelepathy to look inside human minds without even knowing it and now they are beging to think and act like humans.
  • i think caption Black has gone insane because he just heard sammuels grandmother say that they are dead and have been for thirty years.
  • The caption is the only one who hasn't found a lost loved one so he probably feels alone and left out.
  • The martians have angain used telepathy to make the members of the crew think they have again meet up with loved ones but it is just an illusion.
  • John black has picked up on the martians plans and he is going to try and stop them by himslef.

4 questions

  • Dose any of what the tax payer is saying about there being an atomic war in two years have any truth, dose he know something that everyone else dose not?
  • Have all the martians gone insane, because apparently they all have made them selves look human because the caption and the other two men thought the old women they talked to looked human?
  • Is Mars really supposed to be like heaven for the people there?
  • Is there ever going to be an expedition that survives on mars without getting killed?

3 words I don't know

  • Flounced-to throw the body about spasmodically.
  • lolled-To hang or droop laxly.
  • Blasphemy-The act of claiming for oneself the attributes and rights of God.

2 literary terms being used

  • Setting-after the third expedition arrived on mars three men, caption black, lustig, and sammuel hinkston go out to look around the town the come up to a porch and the aurthor begins to use setting to describe the mood and how the setting looks.
  • comic relief- Caption black says that he wished they had brought einstein with, it is comic relife because he says this when all the three men are said, and scared because they think they went back in time.


This section was all about the third expeidition. Like the two others before this expiditon they all ended up dead except this time they actually came in touch with the martians, only they looked like humans because the martians used their telepathy to make themselves look like humans and made the crew feel they were back on earth. But it was all a trick to get the crew off guard so they could kill them, which worked. Then it gose in to the fourth expiditon and this crew after landing on mars has descovered that the martians have died out due to chicken pox.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Martian Chronicles
Page 19-36

  • I think that Mr. Iii is like the mayor of the town or some other kind of important role.
  • i think the author is trying to portray how people tend to expect a reward or recongnition for there work or discovery instead of just being happy with what they have.
  • The caption is really naïve for not reding the contrace before he signed it.
  • The caption and his crew weren't just put into any room they were put into an insane house.
  • Mr. Iii thinks that they are insane martians who made themselves look like other forms of life, he is probably going to have a hard time trying to cure them, and when he realizes that they are real a nd not insane he is going to try and tell his people and then they are going to think that he is insane too.

4 questons

  • Why are every ones name on mars three or for letters at the most and none of them actually spell a wrod?
  • why is it that they have to wear mask to show there emotions?
  • Why dose Mr. Iii find the other three men so funny when the caption askes him if they should also sign the paper?
  • What is the euthanasia?

3 words i dont know

  • amphitheater-an oval or round building with tiers of seats around a central open area, as those used in ancient Rome for gladiatorial contests.
  • rigmarole-an elaborate or complicated procedure
  • Dubiously-wavering or hesitating in opinion

2 literary terms

  • simile- The author compares how the captain looks when he stands up to the expression of a child staring at a pale christmas tree.
  • Foreshadowing- Mr. Iiinot beliveing the men and kiloling them then killing himself is telling you that this is probably going to be the case for every earth ship that arrives on mars and it is going to be the cause of the martians demise.


This section pretty much lets you know what th conflict throughout the rest of the story is going to be. The conf;lict is that the martians are going through some kind of insane epidemic and the humans arriveing are feeding in to that.

The Martian Chronicles

Page 1-18


  • Yll(Mr. K) is very angrey and short tempered, he seems like he dose not truely trust ylla(Mrs.K) after she told him about the dreams.
  • Mrs.K seems to be exactly like an average american house wife she cooks cleands takes care of the house etc. And Mr.K is like an tipical American man he gose and works or hunts then comes home and expects dinner to be ready.
  • I think taht Nathaniel is like a messenger for Ylla, because he only shows up in her dreams.
  • I think that Yll is going to trie and kill the people coming on the rocket and then ylla is going to find out and trie to kill him.
  • I think that Ylla has been communicateing with the men in the rocket threw telepathy and when yll finds them one of the men are going to mention her then yll is goin to get jelious and kill him right away.

4 questions

  • Why is Yll having these dreams, is it some kind of warning sign or vision?
  • Is Ylla going to end up with Nathsnil becuase to dream about him alot?
  • when is the rocket going to arrive on mars?
  • Are people catching some kind of sickness or disease because now every one in the town is starting to sing american songs and have dreams as ylla did?

3 words i dont known

  • Fluted-any groove or furrow, as in a ruffle of cloth or on a piecrust.
  • solictous-anxious or concerned
  • exquisitely-of particular refinement or elegance, as taste, manners, etc., or persons.

2 literary terms being used

  • Irony- its ironic that Yll remebers that Mr. Nlle wasn't coming that day, the same day that he did not want ylla to go out and because he came hunting from the same place where the ship is supose to land.
  • Setting- The begingin of they very next chapter is describing the setting in a way that paints a picture in your mind of how mars looks at the moment and it kind of gives the mood of excitiment.


From pages 1 to 18 the contents of the reading is more or less a introduction to the story, like any other novel, and a little bit of hits of what is to come. The main idea of these pages was that People from earth are going to find mars and Ylla was going to play some role in why they showed up.