- I Dont think that they are in another dimension i think that the martians have somehow been useing thelepathy to look inside human minds without even knowing it and now they are beging to think and act like humans.
- i think caption Black has gone insane because he just heard sammuels grandmother say that they are dead and have been for thirty years.
- The caption is the only one who hasn't found a lost loved one so he probably feels alone and left out.
- The martians have angain used telepathy to make the members of the crew think they have again meet up with loved ones but it is just an illusion.
- John black has picked up on the martians plans and he is going to try and stop them by himslef.
4 questions
- Dose any of what the tax payer is saying about there being an atomic war in two years have any truth, dose he know something that everyone else dose not?
- Have all the martians gone insane, because apparently they all have made them selves look human because the caption and the other two men thought the old women they talked to looked human?
- Is Mars really supposed to be like heaven for the people there?
- Is there ever going to be an expedition that survives on mars without getting killed?
3 words I don't know
- Flounced-to throw the body about spasmodically.
- lolled-To hang or droop laxly.
- Blasphemy-The act of claiming for oneself the attributes and rights of God.
2 literary terms being used
- Setting-after the third expedition arrived on mars three men, caption black, lustig, and sammuel hinkston go out to look around the town the come up to a porch and the aurthor begins to use setting to describe the mood and how the setting looks.
- comic relief- Caption black says that he wished they had brought einstein with, it is comic relife because he says this when all the three men are said, and scared because they think they went back in time.
This section was all about the third expeidition. Like the two others before this expiditon they all ended up dead except this time they actually came in touch with the martians, only they looked like humans because the martians used their telepathy to make themselves look like humans and made the crew feel they were back on earth. But it was all a trick to get the crew off guard so they could kill them, which worked. Then it gose in to the fourth expiditon and this crew after landing on mars has descovered that the martians have died out due to chicken pox.
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