Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Martian Chronicles

Page 1-18


  • Yll(Mr. K) is very angrey and short tempered, he seems like he dose not truely trust ylla(Mrs.K) after she told him about the dreams.
  • Mrs.K seems to be exactly like an average american house wife she cooks cleands takes care of the house etc. And Mr.K is like an tipical American man he gose and works or hunts then comes home and expects dinner to be ready.
  • I think taht Nathaniel is like a messenger for Ylla, because he only shows up in her dreams.
  • I think that Yll is going to trie and kill the people coming on the rocket and then ylla is going to find out and trie to kill him.
  • I think that Ylla has been communicateing with the men in the rocket threw telepathy and when yll finds them one of the men are going to mention her then yll is goin to get jelious and kill him right away.

4 questions

  • Why is Yll having these dreams, is it some kind of warning sign or vision?
  • Is Ylla going to end up with Nathsnil becuase to dream about him alot?
  • when is the rocket going to arrive on mars?
  • Are people catching some kind of sickness or disease because now every one in the town is starting to sing american songs and have dreams as ylla did?

3 words i dont known

  • Fluted-any groove or furrow, as in a ruffle of cloth or on a piecrust.
  • solictous-anxious or concerned
  • exquisitely-of particular refinement or elegance, as taste, manners, etc., or persons.

2 literary terms being used

  • Irony- its ironic that Yll remebers that Mr. Nlle wasn't coming that day, the same day that he did not want ylla to go out and because he came hunting from the same place where the ship is supose to land.
  • Setting- The begingin of they very next chapter is describing the setting in a way that paints a picture in your mind of how mars looks at the moment and it kind of gives the mood of excitiment.


From pages 1 to 18 the contents of the reading is more or less a introduction to the story, like any other novel, and a little bit of hits of what is to come. The main idea of these pages was that People from earth are going to find mars and Ylla was going to play some role in why they showed up.

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